Young men discern monastic life at Conception Abbey
The monastic community at Conception Abbey has received a true blessing from God that all such communities dream of: an increase in young men discerning monastic life. Ten men are currently in various stages of formation, following one who made solemn vows to the community this summer. For a religious community, receiving new members is…
Camp Savio Impacts Youth
When working with youth, there can be the temptation to underestimate the strength of their faith. Participants for Camp Savio—a middle school camp to strengthen faith—make that temptation impossible. The camp, nestled in the serene countryside, provided the perfect backdrop for young people to explore and deepen their faith. From the moment the campers arrived,…
Conception Abbey hosts grand anniversary celebration
CONCEPTION, Mo. (December 15, 2023) — “On December 8th the little monastery was blessed by Father Frowin with great joy and he and the candidates moved in. On the 24th he went over the prayers of the breviary with them and that night in the humble frame church, which in its simplicity was reminiscent of…
Conception Abbey to host Camp Savio
Information shared from the Diocese of Kansas City – St. Joseph. Camp Savio announces move to Conception Abbey for Summer 2023 March 20, 2023 The Diocesan Office of Youth Ministry is thrilled to announce that Camp Savio will be held at a new location this year. “The monks of Conception Abbey are pleased to welcome Camp…
Conception blesses new seminary residence hall
The monks and seminarians of Conception Abbey and Seminary College, joined together with friends, family, and donors to bless Good Shepherd Hall, the new seminary residence hall. The building’s blessing was Sunday, August 28, as part of Conception’s Seminary Open House event, where nearly 300 people gathered under a large white tent for a…
Abbey Trails celebrates anniversary with 250+ friends
Conception, Mo. – The 25th anniversary Abbey Trails 5K Run / 2-Mile walk brought guests from near and far to Conception Abbey on Saturday, May 7 to celebrate health and wellness. Saturday morning boasted beautiful weather for more than 250 people participating in the walk, run, health fair, and brunch. The 5K course began…
Abbey Trails to celebrate anniversary in person
Conception, Mo. – The monks of Conception Abbey look forward to celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Abbey Trails 5K Run / 2-Mile Walk & Health Fair in person on Saturday, May 7, 2022. “We enjoy hosting participants from the region to promote health and wellness, and we have some exciting things planned for the 2022 event to…
Br. Mark professes simple vows within monastic community
The monks of Conception Abbey welcomed Br. Mark Nelson, OSB, in his ceremony of simple profession on Thursday, October 7, 2021, the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary. For a religious community, receiving a new member is a sign of joy and vitality and a vivid reminder of God’s grace and mercy working among…
Abbey Trails meets runners, walkers wherever they are
The monks of Conception Abbey invite runners and walkers of all ages to join them for the 2021 virtual Abbey Trails 5K run / 2-mile walk May 1-7. With a one-week window to participate or compete, anyone can complete it on their own time from anywhere. The virtual event has been split into two categories:…
Conception Seminary College breaks ground on new student dormitory
Brothers Living in Unity campaign efforts begin taking shape Photo, left to right: Eric Moore, President, and Wade Harms, Vice-President and project manager, and Bob Herring, on-site superintendent, all of E.L. Crawford Construction, Inc.; Jeff Ellison and Jeremy Proctor, Ellison-Auxier Architects, Inc.; Jim Kopp, alumni association president, regent, campaign volunteer; Tony Cordaro, alumni association; Br.…
The Archbishop’s Garden
By the Work of Their Hands A Feature on Archbishop Jerome Hanus, OSB A first-time guest to the Abbey came upon one of the monastery grounds workers with an old baseball cap, wearing a pair of dirty blue jeans and a saturated gray T-shirt. “Excuse me, sir…” the lady uttered. “Yes, ma’am,” replied the man.…
Living Easter Joy
We all have that one friend that cannot keep a surprise party a secret. We can think of someone who prematurely yells out “Surprise!” several seconds too soon, before an unsuspecting birthday guest is able to turn on the light switch and reveal a roomful of his or her closest friends. In some ways, today’s…
Pray Like a Monk
Not everyone is called to monastic life, so hopefully you can now take a deep sigh of relief. However, everyone is called to focus on the same goal for which the monks of Conception Abbey strive, namely, eternal life in heaven. This summer I was able to spend a few days visiting my family in…
Conception Abbey welcomes novices into monastic community
CONCEPTION, Mo. – “Come, Follow Me.” Just as Jesus once spoke this invitation to his Apostles, three young men discerned that God was leading them to try monastic life at Conception Abbey. The monks of Conception Abbey clothed with the monastic habit and scapular three new novices on Tuesday, August 14. These candidates, Cole Johnson,…
Devotional Prayer and Liturgical Prayer
How devotional prayer and liturgical prayer work together in our spiritual lives One of our oblates, who is also an Evangelical Christian, described to me his first experience of praying with the monks at Conception Abbey. It was at Evening Prayer, and he commented that right away he knew it was an experience of something…
Three men enter novitiate at Conception Abbey
On Monday, August 14, 2017, the novice master Fr. Xavier Nacke, OSB, led the three postulants from the entrance of the Abbey Basilica to the altar where they were met with this question: “What is your request?” Standing before Abbot Benedict Neenan, OSB, and in the presence of the entire monastic community, the three postulants…
One Bread, One Cup comes to Conception
Fr. Paul reflects on the first One Bread, One Cup high school liturgical leadership conference at Conception Abbey and Seminary College Each summer, St. Meinrad hosts several “One Bread, One Cup” gatherings. At these five-day liturgical leadership conferences, youth and adults discover the Catholic Church’s treasures of Word, Sacrament and Mission and enjoy opportunities for…
5 Common Fears with Discerning your Vocation
In his inaugural homily, Saint John Paul II said, “Brothers and sisters, do not be afraid to welcome Christ and accept his power.” His words echo the refrain heard from Jesus throughout the Gospel Resurrection accounts where his disciples are often struck with fear. Jesus comes to them and simply says, “Peace be with you.”…
What Is Monastic Life For A Catholic Monk?
What does monastic life for Catholic monks look like? Using Chapter 48 of his Rule as a guide, St. Benedict outlines the daily schedule of prayer and work for his monks. The monastic horarium, or schedule, is the heartbeat of the monastic community. It is the structure in which the monastery functions as an institution and punctuates the…
Learning About Religious Vocational Discernment
It is very easy to be stressed during the process of religious vocational discernment. High school and college students find it especially tough. Some Catholics can take years figuring out what they feel God’s will is for them. Breaking down what religious vocational discernment is so that it can be seen in a new light…