The Printery House Launches A New Program: CalebCare
The story of The Printery House’s new program, CalebCare, was picked up by our local television station in St. Joseph, Kq2. View the video above or visit their website at, http://www.stjoechannel.com/story/greeting-card-makers-hope-to-inspire-the-sick-with/d/story/b-6ITztkW0q480pLZENulQ.
The CalebCare program is a new take on the traditional “Get Well Soon” card; it is for the terminally or progressively ill. It is in these cases that a traditional “Get Well Soon” card is not always appropriate. This new initiative by The Printery House seeks to provide courage to those going through difficult times. When you know someone who is dealing with a terminal or progressive illness you want to help and let them know that you care, however, it is often difficult to find the right words for such an occasion. That is what The Printery House is trying to achieve with the CalebCare program.
Recently, a young man named Caleb from the local area lost his battle with cancer. The Printery House encouraged the community to send cards of encouragement to him during that fight. Many cards were sent including a box from our seminarians’ right here on campus. While this program is still in its early stages of development it seems that the CalebCare program will be a great source of comfort, filling an area of great need.
Please visit The Printery House website, www.printeryhouse.org, regularly to check on the status of the CalebCare program.
Posted in Monastery News