Lent Begins

The monastic and seminary community gathered today in the Basilica to celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass. The formula used for imposition of ashes: “Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” Abbot Gregory presided and preached at today’s liturgy and Fr. Brendan Moss, Rector of Conception Seminary, helped distribute ashes.

St. Benedict encourages his monks to live a “continuous Lent,” but even for monks Lent becomes an opportunity to refocus and draw closer to the Lord. The monastic community has several different practices to this end, especially in keeping a spirit of quiet and reflection on Fridays during Lent.

The Abbey Vocation Office will organize Holy Hours on the Fridays of Lent (7:45-8:45 PM) so that we can ask the Master of the Harvest to send more laborers for His vineyard. Please united yourself in praying with us for vocations.


Above: Fr. Brendan imposes ashes and makes the sign of the cross on Abbot Gregory.
Below: Fr. Brendan works hard to reach 6’7″ freshmen Mitch Doerneman’s head.IMG_7728IMG_7735IMG_7737IMG_7751IMG_7758