In the Christmas Octave

The past few days have been filled with many great blessings and activities.  First of all, let me wish you:  MERRY CHRISTMAS

Christmas is always a wonderful time of the year at the Abbey, and we continue to celebrate during this Christmas Octave.  Many familiar guests grace us with their presence during these holy days, including many of the monks’ families.

Christmas Eve, I had the 5:00pm Mass at St. Columba’s at Conception Junction (2 miles down the road).  It was their Children’s Mass and the Church and the gathering space were filled with people.  It is a tradition at the parish that the children act out the Christmas Story for the congregation.

Below:  It was a beautiful celebration and good to see so many families./home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/251/60955772/files/2014/12/img_0737.jpg

I enjoyed Mass at St. Columba’s but I still attended Midnight Mass (yes, at true midnight!) at the Abbey.  It is one of the days throughout the liturgical year that we fill the Basilica.  The beautiful decorations and candles placed throughout the Basilica make it a spectacular and prayerful atmosphere.

Below: Enjoy some of the pictures from the Abbey Basilica.






