Fun Times with Seminarians

These past few mornings have been absolutely gorgeous.  I took this pictures on successive mornings, shortly after morning prayer, around 8:00am.

I had to take promotional photos for upcoming publications, so I called on a group of seminarians to help out.  Seven very fun men showed up to take pictures for about 25 minutes on a beautiful day at Conception Abbey.

Of course, when you get a group of seminarians together, they always like to have fun and joke around.  I got the pictures I need, but they also took some pretty downright hilarious pics.

Be joyful.

Below:  John Linnebur shows off his 7 foot torso.

740_IMG_4225 740_IMG_4009Above:  So much for the serious poses.

740_IMG_4296Above:  “Photobombed” by seminarian Nicholas Ashmore.
Below:  That apparently puts everyone in the jumping mood.  I’m particularly impressed with Mitch Schwartz’s splits (third from the left).740_IMG_4322

Below:  More scenery on during some nice days in northwest Missouri.
